These gentle practices are guides to help you move with more ease and grace.

They combine the wisdom of ancient yoga practices with cutting edge neurological and bio-mechanical movement techniques,

You can do one a day or space them out over time.

Sandra Razieli

As a movement educator, Sandra Razieli loves to guide people to move better so that they can feel better and live better. She approaches movement from a neuro-biomechanical model that is shaped by years of teaching yoga-based practices as well as her work as a cultural anthropologist, teen educator and Jewish spiritual leader. 

Sandra has been a certified yoga teacher since 2001. She is also R, I, S and T certified by Z-Health Neurological-Based Movement Training, is a Nutritious Movement™ Certified Restorative Exercise Specialist and is certified by Elise Miller as a Yoga for Scoliosis Trainer.

Sandra currently resides on Maui where she enjoys going barefoot often. You can find out more about Sandra at

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